A vulnerable and pivotal moment...

A vulnerable and pivotal moment...

I'm sharing a story that feels super vulnerable, but it is one that has really impacted me and the way I see moving forward with Gold Apple. You've been here through the thick of it, so it's only fair that I share the hard too.
I can still remember the question staring me in the face. I posted an "ask me anything" question on social media, and wasn't prepared for the response. "What are some of your favorite current trends?" a sweet follower asked...
I didn't know how to respond. I quickly googled, "trends for 2024" and scrolled feverishly through the images that filled my screen. Think. Think. Think.... You own a boutique, surely you know what the trends are, you HAVE to be a trendy girl!
Insert HUGE imposter syndrome that, of course, led to my mind filled with all the reasons I have no business being in this business.
TBH, I haven't been able to get this moment out of my mind. It caused me to ask a lot of hard questions that I didn't even know I needed to ask myself:
- am I really cut out for this job?
- if I don't LOVE being trendy, why do I LOVE owning a boutique?
- if our strength isn't trendy, what is it?
- do I belong in this industry?
- what do I want to be known for?
What I love about this moment is that it caused me to dig into the last 7+ years to evaluate how and why I built this business. I want to share with you what I learned, and how I'm using it to shape my business moving forward:
I dislike fast fashion
This may not come as a surprise to you. After all, I base a lot of what I do on ethically made products. When I was a high school teacher I used to show my students a movie about the impacts of consumerism on our planet. Two concepts: planned obsolescence & perceived obsolescence
(if you haven't heard about them you should look them up).
In summary, fast fashion drives consumerism, and has HUGE negative implications not only for our planet, but also for the vulnerable communities who are responsible for producing them. I care about the impact your purchase makes - for the good. 
 Quality over quantity, always
Could I turn my inventory faster if I brought in cheaper, trendier pieces? Probably. Could I live with sending you home with pieces that had a low wash & wear lifespan? Absolutely not!

When I announced that I was closing, I had so many customers reach out to tell me that their Gold Apple clothes were their favorite pieces in their wardrobe - because of the QUALITY 😭 Our clothes are pieces that can live in your wardrobe FOR YEARS and still look amazing.
Flattering style wins
I want you to hear me out, I'm not anti-trend. I am PRO-FLATTERING STYLE! I want you to look and feel your best. If a trendy style flatters you: buy it, wear it, embrace it. But you should never feel like you have to compromise what flatters you to be "on trend." I want to help you build a wardrobe that is both flattering AND sustainable. 
it's who we are
If these three words resonate with you, I'm so grateful to have you along on the journey! If you know someone who aligns with these values and would love our shop - please share about us!
Grateful to have you on this journey with me,